Knowledge Management and Information
Knowledge management and information system is the system of
business where improves the business execution through Computer, information
system, general management, and so on. The Knowledge management and information
system is the accumulation of HR, strategy and information technology (Laudon, K.C. and Laudon, J.P., 2004). This
assignment is based on Knowledge management and information system where is negotiating
topic on Cloud Based ERP system and Enterprise 2.0 web technology. I will show
those issues on the assignment based on various company.
Task 1
Cloud Based ERP system is the approach of resource where
using a computer is known as cloud computing platforms which serves business with
tolerable and soft business process transformation (Lenart, 2011). Cloud ERP is
the tool that uses in small business as well as medium businesses for reveled
their possible outcome.
There are many challenge in Cloud based ERP system. Among of
the challenge lower price of Hosted service, the challenge of coordination and Vendor
opinion lock are mentionable. To complete this task I have to pick three
challenges to make out the total issues.
Challenge 1: The
use of technology based on Cloud is everywhere. Technology is influenced both economy
and the people who are in business. A Research on cloud computer showed that the
influences of cloud computer have been changed on present situation of the
market. The first challenge is the Cloud Based ERP model is “Increase the cloud
computer for sorting IT decision makers”. This is the most important for a
business to make transitioning through cloud computer. Cloud ERP has the
challenge that faced one after another in continuously. The main challenge based
on cloud management is “The last decade, information management has faced exponentially
and it is continued in coming days”. The sheer volume of content has been increased
day to day all over the world so faster (Psipc, 2015). Company has to adopt in
the competitive market where use of cloud system it can access vest information
use of cloud management. Changes in technology also change the operating system
of business.
Scenario: Deloitte
UK is the company which provides different professional services to the company
as well as small industry and the state authority of UK. The performance of Deloitte
UK is well. The latest fiscal year it achieved more than 6.4% revenues in
compere of previous year through professional services (Deloitte
United Kingdom, 2015). Recently the CEO taken a challenges following
Cloud Based ERP model that scenario is published in journal noted below-
“The 'See finance
transformation through the cloud' video series is the culmination of a number
of interviews: offering Deloitte, partner vendors and client perspectives on
the various stages of the cloud journey. 42%
of IT decision makers are planning to increase spending on cloud computing in
2015*. Therefore, Deloitte has been discussing the key challenges the
modern CIO and CFO has to consider when transitioning their back office finance
function to the cloud.
Integration stability and reliability was highlighted as the number two
concern on cloud adoption, trailing only to security concerns**. These concerns were highlighted in the
Deloitte article, Tech Trends 2014: Cloud orchestration; and we wanted to see
if these were still considered the main hurdles that Enterprises are trying to
Solve: According
to Expert opinion, client of Deloitte understand that
the challenge which is related to the cloud ERP is not much more on technology
based rather than the traditional steeplechases on change of business. The Challenge
is the connection to integration with various sectors, adoption remain on
business, and so treated as difficult but cloud ERP makes all the applications easier
and user feels acceptance with flexible. The user connects the solution which
is more easy and well-known. It is also more aligned to the user in coming days
or day to day for vast using the technology.
Challenge 2: The
second Challenge that is treated “Company has been grown but the system is not
growing that impact on hindrance of flexibility and time consuming with manual
process where employees need more effort”. It means that the standard report is
taken more time with digital service presentation. The main nature of the challenge
is achieving the power of align internal process rather awareness of ever-changing
Scenario: Beggars
Group is the British company that is negotiates with record as a company. The
main task of the company is distributes several other labels established in 1973
as a shop in London. Onward the company evolves as the group of company. The
case study that is published in Deloitte (2013) showed the challenge on case
study titled on “The wise man built his
house upon the cloud”
“Beggars Group is a
collection of independent record labels, responsible for some of the most
recognizable names in the industry, including Adele, Radiohead and Jamie xx,
and one that is attracting an ever-expanding roster of artists. Both the UK and
US-based labels have servicing entities to manage their procurement,
distribution and finance functions, however both use separate systems and
business processes.
Beggars’ challenge was
one borne of its own success, as is often the case with companies that
experience periods of significant organic growth; the company grows but its
systems do not, leading to bottlenecks, backlogs, and unnecessarily arduous,
time-consuming manual processes for employees. In addition, processing the
varying reporting standards of distributors and digital service providers presented
its own challenge, as did the process of allocating miniscule amounts from
digital and streaming plays to the right artists and producers. A key
characteristic of the challenge facing Beggars was in gaining the ability to
not only align internal process globally, but to also respond to the
ever-changing dynamics of the music industry. Cloud was identified as the
technology that could help catapult Beggars’ enterprise architecture into an age
worthy of its market status. As part of its initial review, Deloitte delivered
a solution architecture design that was tailored to that of Beggars complex
business process, which covered manufacturing, procurement and worldwide
physical and digital sales. A significant feature of the recommendation was a
new, cloud-based finance system for both the UK and US businesses, which would
align the processes of the subsidiaries under the Group.”
Solve: As the
solution of the challenge Beggars takes NetSuite’s cloud ERP model which is
more effective for Beggars. Not only they take NetSuite’s cloud ERP model but
also take other important platforms of cloud ERP model such as MuleSoft that is
giving services to single entry from all activities and exchanging information
on stock. It also makes the linkage among catalogue, finance, web store and so
on. Additional information is that Amazon Web Services has also taken the system
connecting to Beggars execution platform. It exchanges the data and sales
information has been retrieving with strong cloud planned recommended service
delivered. The model of Cloud ERP model is agility its capacity rather developing
the present system of execution which is suitable for prefect model of business
platform growth. Beggars Group is yet example who takes challenge on and solve
with the help of Deloitte.
Challenge 3: The other
challenge which has been facing a business in present time is expensive IT, restriction
of mobility and limitation of capacity growth. These all things can be solved
by adopting cloud computing and the dependence on Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).
The best solution of the business challenge can be mitigate Cloud computing
(BCN, 2014).
Scenario: Forrester
Research is a popular company based on technology and market research. The main
activity of the company is advice to the technological problem to their
clients. It is founded in 1983 (Forrester, 2015).
“In February, 2010
Forrester Research published a survey that outlines the key challenges that
enterprise companies face with their ERP solutions when trying to meet today’s
business and IT challenges. The survey was done with business process and
application professionals.
Not surprisingly,
there are many similarities between the findings of this study and the key
challenges and IT business trends we have discussed in previous articles. So
let’s compare the top four challenges Forrester identified with Microsoft study
Finances: Forrester
found that 91 percent considered high cost of ownership as their primary
challenge. Microsoft studies showed the need to reduce operational costs. Both
studies show that finances are a huge deterrent.
infrastructure: Eighty percent told Forrester that mismatched applications were
keeping them from realizing their business objectives. Microsoft found that
organizations need business infrastructure support to align with their business
objectives. Poor infrastructure is inhibiting rather than helping companies
reach their goals. And finances and upgrade difficulty are keeping them from IT
Difficulty of
upgrading: Forrester found that 87 percent did not upgrade because they thought
it would be too difficult. Microsoft showed organizations needed to reduce IT
operational costs. So organizations avoid upgrades that would reduce IT costs
and add flexibility for change.
Poor cross-functional
processes: Eighty-six percent told Forrester that they had systems with poor
cross-functional processes. So extending to external partners was out. As it
was collaboration using internal and external controls. On the other hand,
Microsoft studies showed organizations were having difficulty getting partners
to use their ERP software. With a first-rate ERP system, cross-functional
processes, change, partner adoption, and collaboration would be much easier.
As you can see, the
results Forrester surfaced with this study harmonize very closely with our own
findings around the key business and IT challenges organizations face every day.”(Merit
Solutions, 2012)
Solve: To
mitigate the challenge in technology, the organization try to manage it from 1980s.
The solvation is complex process and not flexible. It is also not able to give
the force and readiness organizations need to flourish, change, and develop. We
should examine these frameworks. These are applying code and parameters for tangled,
Duplicated data structures have to be eliminated. Middleware and batch
processes have to be broadly used in there. Main focusing issues Functionality
sites have to be kept in particular applications. Business intelligence would
be effectible to many customers. This factor are related to Software-as-a-Service
(SaaS) cloud solution that is related to organizations were required to
purchase, construct, and keep up their IT foundations notwithstanding
exponential expenses. SaaS gives organizations an option. Presently, they can
connect to and subscribe to administrations based on shared base by means of the
Internet. The SaaS model has thrived as of late as a result of the numerous
advantages it offers to organizations of all sizes and sorts. Those are High
Adoption, Lower Initial Costs, Painless Upgrades the system and Seamless
Integration (Sales Force, 2000). Associations must oblige expanding interest
for new IT capacities and administrations; however financial vulnerability and
increasing expenses of materials can bring about a barrier along the way.
Task 2
Enterprise 2.0 web technology is the software framework in a
company that builds a relation between customer and vendor, one company to
another company, and so on. These tools of Enterprise 2.0 web technology are
used for rating, RSS, tagging and so on. It is also the strategic integration in
business processes (Murugesan,
To complete this task I have to show three barrier of Enterprise
2.0 web technology on employees’ perspective. Numerous associations have as of
now set out on Enterprise 2.0 and are as of now utilizing new community
innovations to join their inner endeavors. Very few associations however, have
generally and effectively actualized Enterprise 2.0 in light of the fact that
it is a moderately new marvel. Also, its scholarly investigation stays
restricted. The utilization of Enterprise 2.0 web technology applications
inside of the association is normally not compulsory.
Barrier 1: Enterprise
2.0 web technology unable of collaboration tools arising
problem on corporations and expertise hierarchically structured. Enterprise
2.0 web technology instruments won't roll out
hierarchical chain of importance and governmental issues improvement
fundamentally. They are not going to make the thoughts of all that really
matters representative in associations as persuasive as those of the top
administration (Bughin, and
Chui, 2010). A large portion of the
issues that don't permit learning from moving uninhibitedly in associations –
force differentials, absence of trust, missing motivators, unsupportive
societies, and the general heftiness of workers today – won't be tended to or
significantly changed by innovation alone .
Scenario: This is
the Scenario of Chess Media Group on Enterprise 2.0 web technology. “Technology in the enterprise comes from
consumers”. Applications, for example, email and phone message customarily
sprung from the venture itself, with client reception perfectly controlled by
IT. Today a great deal of innovation is originating from customers
straightforwardly. Purchasers who have been utilizing Web 2.0 apparatuses, for
example, texting, wikis, and examination discussions in their home and social
life for quite a long time are presently the representatives expecting the same
sorts of uses in the work environment. Besides, expect the same levels of
execution and simplicity of openness (Husin, Heikal, and Swatman, 2010).

Solve: As a
manager of an organization, he/she have to concentrate as soon as possible to
solve with pace of technology. The fluctuated types of Enterprise 2.0 web
technology interchanges, the sheer measure of substance being moved, the
expanding versatility of representatives, substances of a worldwide workforce
are the way of solving that is concentrate to the employee of the organization.
All those impacts on network make the even greater.
Barrier 2: Employees find unsolved conflict with Enterprise 2.0 web
technology that extended to the concept. The idea in some
cases alludes just to the IT apparatuses that empower the better approaches for
working together and utilizing authoritative learning. Others, it additionally
advances those methodologies so that alludes to behavioral changes that already
were simply Information Management challenges (O'reilly, 2007).
Scenario: “Users will take matters into their own hands”
I've witnessed this multiple occasions at Cisco. When I began, for instance, we
didn't have a texting customer. Workers were downloading AOL Instant Messenger
and utilizing it straightforwardly on a far reaching premise. Before Cisco
actualized an undertaking answer for wikis, representatives set up their own
particular wikis or utilized wiki boxes as a part of the lab or in their desk
areas. A few of these wikis were developing information stores that didn't or
couldn't correspond with one another. A later illustration of clients taking
matters into their own particular hands: representatives utilizing yammer as
their micro blogging webpage.

Figure from
Fredcavazza (2007)
Solve: As a
manager I think that these activities of "dissident" representatives
not just put Cisco's system at danger and bargain licensed innovation and the
security of delicate corporate data, additionally undermine the advantages that
open correspondence, coordinated effort, and information sharing can get a Web
2.0 environment.
Barrier 3:
Employees take challenge the Web 2.0 for “Beta
testing requires a new approach”. Conveying
an innovation or application in beta has generally been a no-no for corporate
IT. Beta testing is ordinarily led by a little gathering of architects,
designers, or experts who put an application through the rigors of relapse and
client acknowledgment testing, and in addition QA, to a restricted group of
onlookers before displaying it to the business.

Figure from Postshift (2010)
Solve: Manager
solve this by sending an application in beta inside of a sandbox domain
utilizing a structure that impersonates creation, approaching clients for their
input on the fundamental components and usefulness, and making changes,
altering bugs, and including improvements along the way. This forward and
backward beta procedure in the middle of clients and IT is called "deft
advancement," and it results in a business-pertinent application that workers
really need and will promptly utilize versus an application managed exclusively
by IT. The procedure of deft improvement additionally delivers champions all
through the organization who have tried and added to the advancement of an
application. These champions will help others with utilizing the application,
which thus offers IT some assistance with deploying applications quicker (Fenton
and Bieman, 2014).
In a business there are various challenge and barrier that
is solved with the help of manager implementation of proper knowledge. The
whole assignment is based on the developing the cloud system and the system of Enterprise
2.0 web technology.
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