
the modern time, Health and Social Care
(HSC) services are the growing concerns globally. To improve the quality of
service associated stakeholders are working together. As a result, the topic of “Quality Management” of
service has got its respective importance in the area of Health and Social Care
in the UK and other European countries. The associated stakeholders and health
care practitioners provide the degree of excellence of the Health and social
care services. However, the report arranges sequentially with different model and
figures. Firstly the stakeholder’s categories will be described in this
assignment then it will analyze the role using National Institute for Health and
Clinical Excellence (NICE) and Health Service Commissioners (Sach
and Brown, 2015). In the second
part of the report, the quality of
service will be classified into three
parts including Standards, Occupational Standards, and National minimum Standards. Then will evaluate
different issues such as Planning, Policies and Procedures, Target setting, Monitoring and
Reviewing and Communication and Information are described. Finally, all the findings are evaluating
depending on the specific role of service
quality standard (Nelson, Lord,
and Ochocka, 2011).
Task 1: LO1 – Understanding differing perspectives of quality in relation to health and social care services
1.1 Explanation of perspectives that stakeholders connected with the health and social care organization can have regarding quality.
The individuals,
group of individuals or an institution who are
participating in the issue of health and social care services in the
society is known as Health and Social Care stakeholders. It is close enough to
meet the crises prevailed the health and social care that seems by Health and
Social Care stakeholders. It is clear that every health and social care
stakeholder is participating in meeting their
respective phases inside the health and social care matter (Allsop, 2004). The following categories of stakeholders have in health and social care context-
Service providers: The group of people or institution who delivers the health and
social care services to the needed people in a society is known as a service provider. In the society hospitals,
clinics, nursing cares and many more groups are providing this kind of service
according to the service users’ demand and the economic value. They seek
profits and growth by delivering a standard quality of services (Bellhouse,
Service users: Service users may be the residents or clients in the nursing home. Different class of individuals
and older people in our society are suffering from diseases and needed to
welfare from it. The health and social care service providers ‘tries to give it
to the people. So the service provider differentiates
their service pattern depending on their patients’ demand, Because aged people
are suffering from infectious diseases mostly but other aged people is not so. However, the user of service mainly demands the standard quality of health and
service care services within reasonable expenses (Brown, 2008).
Professionals: In the health and service care perspective,
many participants are delivering the quality
of service and take this as a profession. For example Physicians, specialists,
professors, nurses and many other individuals and the group have in the perspective of health and social care. Using
their expertise, they are liable for recognizing and giving the problems of
health and social care (Buckley, 2012).
External agencies: Different types of missionaries and charity
who are registered to provide social support maintaining the health and social
care rules and regulation are also liable in the implementation of the society.
These agencies also regulate the quality of care. The Care Quality Commission
can be the example of this organization. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) work
for ensuring the better care for everyone. Care Quality Commission arranges a
minimum of three inspections yearly among these two are announced and one is
unannounced (Carroll and Buchholtz, 2004).
Local and central government: As the local government
of UK regulate the overall health andsocial care practices, they are also liable
for determining the Health and Social Care approaches and strategies to develop
the quality service (Carroll and Buchholtz, 2004).
1.2 Analysis of the role of external agencies in setting standards for quality in health and social care.
On the perceived
quality health and social care system success mostly depended on. It means that the ability to provide right service
care to the right people obviously it should demand
by them. The health and service care quality is regulated by a boundary to the requirements. Through the
proper determination of standards health and social care service quality are
possible. To regulate the quality of health and social care service following
external agencies play a unique role in
UK’s health and social care context (Culyer, 2006).
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE): The National Institute for Health and
Clinical Excellence is an independent organization. It provides the national leadership
on encouraging good health checking and handling ill health. Inhabitants with
problems like nervousness, fright demand tranquilizers so that they can
slumber. This is a usual occurrence in health and social service care context.
For the improvement of the situation, a government specialist in this field is
appointed for providing those sufferers suggestions and guidance. The NICE
guidelines training are used by service
providers on different medical conditions. Diabetic foot means identification
and care of the foot are the example of
it (Demirkan,Spohrer, and Krishna, 2001).
Health Service Commissioners: Health Service Commissioners produce act
related to health and social care awareness that influence the standards scale
of progression. Health Service Commissioners (HSC) evaluates the weaknesses of
the prevailing health and social performances and regulations. Then HSC communicates with service care specialists and
policy-takers concerning the suggested healthcare performances (Drechsel,
1.3 Impact of poor service quality on the stakeholders connected with the health and social care organization under consideration.
In order to create
effectiveness and a big brand appearance in the market,
the stakeholders spend cash on the communication processes with the external
world. They are the key person in this market also. Stakeholders are also
considered as a principle factor in the risk profile of the company. Though
patients are approaching the health care
societies with serious illnesses, they have their level of self-respect to get
them preserved and sometimes with concealing their real material. In this situation, the health care service provider
should provide the best performance to
satisfy their necessities (Schneider and White, 2014). Moreover,
the patient desired admiration at the time of admission and during the period
of receiving treatment at the hospital. If there have a lacking of care and respect, the patient illness never recovers from the bad condition and may become
worst and also having a probability of
rise new psychological issues. However,
the information should maintain properly and try to reduce misuse from third
party people for different propaganda (English,
Task 2: LO2 – Understand strategies for achieving quality in health and social care services
2.1 Explanation of standards that exist in health and social care for measuring quality.
Standards mean the widely accepted some features or
characteristics that the product or services belong
to. A product or service standards is determined by all groups or individuals.
It works as a model for developing or
improve a product and service features. Health and social care services term
has also a standard scale. This standard scale provides
the guideline to reduce individual dissatisfaction and improvement (Weinstein,
2011). An author concludes
that health and social service care providers are regulated with the health and
social service care standards to gain satisfaction from service needy. The
service care provider recognizes some
health care standards for individuals and groups of person, So that they can
provide the most attractive service to the needy. Generally health and social
service care center such as a hospital,
the clinic provides wheelchairs, a large car park and a unit for
activities for inhabitants and families, all time treatments. These health and
social care services targeted to the aged people that must need in the society (Foote
and Stanners, 2012). The acceptance of
social service care can classify into three terms as followings-
Standards: To judge
something, we use a unique tool which is named as standard. It is assumed that the minimum requirements should
be equally compared with the standard one. In the term of health and social
service care standard indicates the satisfaction of human after fulfilling his or her health-related needs within a reasonable expense (Gaston,
Occupational Standards: Occupational Standards is greater formal and
structural form than standards. Depending on knowledge, skills, experiences and
some criteria that must be met while performing at the workplaces the
occupational standards are set up. A doctors or nurses must require
professional degrees or experiences certificates for the health and social care
service field (Grain and Schaper, 2006).
National minimum Standards: For the national standard government suggest minimum requirements for the respected field is
called national minimum standards. A government must set up minimum standards because of the privilege for
all the civilian people (Gunn and Durkin, 2011).
2.2 Evaluation of a different approach to implementing quality systems.
The quality
management system is a process by which an organization or a government ensure
the product and service quality. The administration focuses the strict
obligation to the respected organization to maintain it surely. An author defines
the quality system as a business process mainly contains
in responsible the superiority strategy and quality purposes to get anticipated
fulfillments of the target marketplaces. However,
the health and social service care provider accepts the below attitudes
usefully to implementing quality systems (Gurtner and Soyez, 2008).
Planning: The first phase
of facilitating the local authority is
planning. The health care provider fixes their determinations and aims in the
written IDs in the planning phase.
Policies and Procedures: Completing the successful IDs of vision, the
health care provider recognize the health and social programs through the
design quality obtaining the institution (Harel,Ehrlich,
and Hubbard, 2000).
Target setting: The health care providers set their separate target according to
the aged people and other people needs.
Monitoring and Reviewing: Then the health care providers monitor and
review the result and take new steps if needed to develop service quality.
Communication and Information: Basically health and social care (HSC)
service provider need to ensure regular communication with the target
individuals and groups (Harel,McKinney,
and Williams, 2010).
2.3 Analysis of potential barriers to delivery of quality health and social care services.
The variety of
variables adversely impacts the HSC
context goals and purposes of quality management system. It created from only sides of environments may be external or
internal. Local authority facility’s health care setting is unavailable of this
development and met incredible difficulties from
the latent obstructions. The internal and external obstructions are building in
the appropriate distribution of appropriate health-care services near the
transferrable patients. The politicians or government impose new laws, policies
and regulation to control the activities of health care consultants that is the
major external barriers for HSC service providers (Willcocks, 2007).However,
there have another some barriers that raise from
service care center. Among this barriers inappropriate knowledge of service, caring is worse. If there have
inappropriate knowledge and experiences, the health service standard never fulfills its regulation and minimum
requirements. Health and social care services are
misdirected by thelack of interactive
communication also, Besides the lack of financial support causes the disorder
of health and social care services standard (Hernon and Altman, 2006).
Task 4
At the present time
quality health care measuring is the main idea of wellbeing administration. The
quality control and quality estimation just can be sorted out through gathering
the information and investigation the information. The information would be the
principle assets of suggestion legitimate administrations and has point of
preference of its. Be that as it may, there is some vital impediment. There are
different strategies for copying the quality that is shifted one to another.
Among the different strategies we can utilize Interviewee, center gathering, surveys,
organized meeting, board work, proposal, street appear, et cetera.
Quality change
exercises are a pervasive segment of front line restorative administrations
structures as a consequence of certified and saw openings in the way of social
protection conveyance. On the other hand, such exercises are consistently not
subject to evaluation, or when appraisal is driven this is done incapably (Primary
Care, 2010).
The Quality change
systems are by and large utilized the advancing apparatuses or model for creating
human services as the instruments which model is mind boggling social
insurance. Regardless and what's more being portions of quality change programs
they can as a less than dependable rule be a useful subordinate to other more
customary evaluation systems, in this way serving a twofold section.
Assessment is
constantly taken because of control over the quality that is giving by
individual, bunch and through administration. Here the nature of wellbeing has
been considered as the adequacy of the administration and also effectiveness.
It additionally incorporated the security for patient. It additionally talks
about the point of the human services and the amount it met as compere to the
giving data, giving administration, consideration, and proposal from patient (Weinstein, 2011). Quality change
investigation is associated examination including evaluation of worth change
exercises which is away to educate methodology and practice. Current standards
for reporting quality change join 'depictions of the instruments and frameworks
used to overview the feasibility of utilization, the responsibilities of
intervention parts and association with sufficiency of the intercession and the
impact on key and helper results.
Utilization of
Clinical model has been assessed the social insurance as the coherent model
where the patient and the issue in light of human services making the
destination where arranging, application and assessment have been consider as
the storm cellar of the information. The data gave the yield as the human
services procedures actualized that are prevalent. The long haul yield has been
considered as the consequence of consideration which would be valuable or
hurtful (Weinstein, 2011).
Clinical review,
which is the 'exact, fundamental examination of the way of remedial thought,
including the strategies used for determination and treatment, the use of
advantages and the ensuing result for the patient consolidates evaluation with
the strategy. It incorporates estimation of thought against developed criteria
and standards through which execution and changes in execution can be measured.
Survey can and has been used as an appraisal framework, even in randomized
Huge occasion
review is another strategy that is a significant part of the time used to
evaluate care, particularly mind that is considered to fall underneath measures
or that is especially great. It is a successful mechanical assembly to attempt
to survey therapeutic administrations structures to appreciate the point by
point computes that provoked thought being outside the standard, on the other
hand it can in like manner improve correspondence, gathering building and
quality (Nelson, Lord and Ochocka, 2011).
Arrangement, do,
study, act (PDSA) cycles are another system for investigating thought frames
while rapidly executing evidence based or sound judgment changes to methods of
thought, enabling changes to be spread more easily and successfully. The third
period of the PDSA cycle incorporates thinking about the effect of a change
using numerical or subjective data – even with little scale changes, the effect
after some time on methodology of thought can be measured and examined using
verifiable system control techniques. The PDSA model is a useful strategy for
surveying while familiarizing fast change with restorative administrations
structure (Primary Care, 2010).
Center gatherings
and individual meetings are basic customary techniques for party data about the
experiences of patients and staff about organizations. A crucial quality change
gadget, which is a headway from this, is the 'divulgence interview'.15 This record
procedure incorporates listening to the stories of patients and vocations of
the thought that they have gotten with a particular final objective to
appreciate experiences from a customer perspective. Other record frameworks for
quality change investigation and evaluation join naturalistic story
get-together in the midst of an endeavor or total sense-creation of a complete
undertaking by a part spectator and the legitimate logical examination.
report will helpful to understanding health and social care services quality in the society. To understand the responsibility
of stakeholders different issues are described here. The article divided into
three parts including the different
perspective of quality, different strategies for achieving quality service and
finally evaluating its effectiveness. For better understanding, the article different example is also used. The expectation and satisfaction
of patient are described in public health website of UK. However after the
reading it should recognize the easy way
of development of standard health and social care services (Scheuing
and Christopher, 2013).
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Managing Quality